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Barb's Story

Have you ever felt like the weird kid, who grew into the adult, who still doesn’t fit in with the “normal” world?

Well, that was me. 


Today, I’m a person who proudly-

  • Seeks out the good in people and situations.

  • Understands that being an empath is a superpower, not a burden.

  • Believes that laughter is indeed, the best medicine.

  • Continues to be amazed by the power of the mind.

  • Sees the world as a place of love and possibilities.

  • Communicates with highly evolved beings of wisdom.

  • Is inspired by other people’s successes.

  • Prefers my own company to just about anyone else's.

  • Believe in miracles. And magic.


Have I always been this person?


Hell, no.


I think I came out of the womb anxious.

My mother would tell me I was colicky and cranky when I was born. Probably because I was so anxious. 


As a kid, I was afraid of dark places, and most other kids.

At least the loud ones who wouldn’t sit still, or bullied and hit each other.

Why were they acting that way? 


I preferred to spend my days coloring, catching frogs and caterpillars, or laying on the grass looking at the animals and faces in the clouds as they drifted by. 

I daydreamed about being magic. I imagined I could fly and appear or disappear whenever and wherever I felt like.


Even then, I wanted to help people. I wanted to show them how they could be magical, too.

Getting lost in my mind let me escape into my own world.


Hypnosis for My Soul 


I found a solid, reliable source that would not only help soothe my fears, but allow me to enter that world of imagination and creativity easily.


What was it?


A rocking chair.

Yep. A simple, ordinary wooden rocker. If I was outside, it was a swing.


The back and forth motion would lull me into a sense of well being. I would go to a different place in that rocker. I couldn’t even tell you where that was. It just felt natural, safe and happy.

I realize now, that even back then, I was hypnotizing myself.I knew instinctively how to go into a deep, meditative state. 


It helped manage my anxiety during the day, but I couldn’t spend my life in a rocking chair.


Nighttime was the worst.


I’d huddle with my army of rag-tag stuffed animals, stained with tears and kid sweat.

There were shadows, and noises, and I could always feel something in my room, even if I couldn’t see it.

I prayed nightly for an army of protectors, who would keep us safe, so I could sleep. After all, the stuffed animals could only do so much.

Little did I know that my prayers were already being answered.


Intuition is a Good Thing


Through all of my worries, I also had a very strong sense of intuition.

I didn’t know what to call it then. I just knew that I sometimes knew when something was going to happen, and could even picture it in my mind’s eye.


I was pulled towards certain people and situations—and repelled by others.


 As I got older, my intuition and clairvoyance ( clear seeing ) increased. And, so did my fears. 


When I followed those “hunches” and visions, things turned out quite well, like they were meant to happen.

During those times, it felt powerful and real, yet almost otherworldly. 

It felt like magic.


When I ignored it, or allowed myself to become overwhelmed by outside influences—well—then, the shit could hit the fan.


I would not only tune into other people’s good feelings and moods, but would also absorb the negativity and heightened emotions that swirled around me, especially in large, crowded places.


I learned to accept it as who I was. A sensitive, scaredy-cat girl who felt that she was somehow all wrong.


Little did I know, that my being an empath would turn out to be a gift, not a burden. 


In my twenties, I tucked away my intuition, and brought it out only on special occasions.


I didn’t share it or discuss it with anyone, because it only made me feel more weird and different than others. And, I so wanted to fit in. 


Don’t we all at that age—or any age for that matter?

There's Gotta Be Something More


Like a lot of other people, I started taking medication in my thirties to help with my anxiety and depression.

I wasn’t some basket case who couldn’t function or was delusional.

I was productive, had a loving husband and lots of friends. I had a good life— on the outside. On the inside, I had too many thoughts, feelings, and emotions that I couldn’t seem to understand or control.


I also felt that my life was somehow passing me by, that I was meant for something greater than just my job, housekeeping, errands and relationships.

But, what was it?


I started to read. My local library had a small, but impressive selection of books on the subjects of mediumship, psychic abilities, soul travels, and earthbound spirits.

I was fascinated, and felt a wishful kind of kinship with the people who wrote these books and told their stories.


I began to understand more about psychic phenomena and what an empath was. I also realized that what I had could be developed into something useful, and not be just a weird attribute.


The best part was learning that these unusual people were helping others, and that maybe I could too.


Past Lives and Brian Weiss


One day at the library, I found a book on past life regression.

I brought home Dr. Brians Weiss’ groundbreaking book, "Many Masters, Many Lives,” and devoured it in one evening.


I was transfixed by the story of Catherine, a psychiatric patient suffering from a variety of maladies from anxiety to claustrophobia, who, while under hypnosis, recalled her past lives. 


At first, Dr. Weiss was highly skeptical. He had only tried hypnosis as a last ditch effort to uncover any childhood traumas that would connect to her present day fears. The words and stories coming out of her mouth were extraordinary, to say the least.


He watched, though, how Catherine improved over their many months of hypnotherapy. Each week, as he guided her to a state of deep relaxation, she would describe in detail, her experiences, how she died, and what she learned from those other lifetimes.


Some deaths were quite traumatic, like when she was thrown from a cliff as a human sacrifice.

But, amazingly after that session, her fear of heights and water diminished.

Instead of being upset over these past life encounters, she was getting better.

I was raised Catholic and always had lots of questions about, say, the meaning of life, and my religion didn’t seem to offer many answers.

The idea that we have lived before—many times—made so much sense to me.

I had to know more.


For the next year or so, I worked on trying to uncover my past lives. I booked a session with an under qualified hypnotist, because I assumed all hypnotists knew about past life regression (they don’t.)

I listened to cd’s, read whatever books I could find, and tried relaxing and visualizing on my own.



I finally gave up, and put my efforts aside.


Hypnosis Is the Key


In the spring of 2007, I was working in outside sales at a job that I pretty much loathed. I was miserable, but still not giving up on finding my “purpose”—whatever that was. 


The internet was now a source of information and advertising.

One day, for some reason, I searched hypnosis and training. 


And lo and behold, there was a certification class starting the following week in Pennsylvania. It would require a 2 hour drive every Wednesday night for several months.


I visited the instructor, and experienced a formal hypnosis session for the first time. Although, to me, it felt a lot like what I had already been doing since I was a kid in the rocking chair.


I signed up for the class, right then and there.

It’s still one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


In class, we discussed the importance of everyday thoughts and the words that you tell yourself. How the power of suggestion can effect your mind, body and overall well-being.


We learned various techniques on how to hypnotize, and how to address the subconscious mind.

We watched demonstrations and practiced on each other.


At home, I’d study and practice self hypnosis on my own. 

I’d focus on positive words and goals, while counting down and relaxing my body.

I’d then sit and listen to soaring celestial music ( thank you Stephen Halpern) and meditate.


To me, meditation was just another way of relaxing.

I didn’t really know what was supposed to happen in mediation, it just felt good.

Most of the time, I would close my eyes, listen to the music, and 20 minutes later, open my eyes and feel refreshed.

Other times, I would drift off somewhere, and an hour later, come back to the room. I’d open my eyes, feeling a little confused, because I knew that I didn’t fall asleep, I just went somewhere.

But, where?


Then one day, I had what is referred to as a "spontaneous regression".

Without expecting or trying, I found myself experiencing a series of three different lives, one playing out after another.

Discovering My Life's Path


After experiencing my own past lives, and connecting the people and beliefs from those lives to the one I’m living now, I knew this was my calling. Or, at least, a big part of it.


I wanted to help people the way it helped me.

I wanted them to have the “Aha!” Moments that I had.

I also knew that I still had a lot to learn.


I opened my first hypnosis practice and started seeing clients for smoking cessation, stress management and weight loss.


I didn’t find the issues challenging, but I liked the people I met, and it felt good to watch them change their lives in small ways, for the better.


Over the years, I joined several professional hypnosis organizations so I could attend conferences and learn more about the power of the mind. I began to truly understand the concepts of creating change and manifesting.


I studied past lives, soul coaching and life between lives.


One summer night in 2009, I came home early from a party at my neighbors house, and for the next 3 hours, had the most mind-blowing experience of my life.

Overnight, I became a channel who could communicate with spirit guides, angels and other divine beings.


A whole new world of possibilities opened up for me.


In 2010, I met and trained with my personal hero, Dr. Brian Weiss at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck , NY.


He was funnier and more kind than I could have imagined.

He shared his expertise and kept the class in stitches with his wit, wisdom and stories.


I worked with the late, great Dick Sutphen who helped validate my incredible channeling experiences and figure out who I really was—and what I’m here for.


I became a Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) and a Board Certified Hypnotist with the International Association for Counselors and Therapists. (IACT)


I’ve now been training hypnotists and past life therapists for well over a decade, and have an established school with the International Hypnosis Federation (IHF) 


I truly believe that the Universe guides each student who is ready, not just to learn, but to share in the experience with others for each of their own soul's growth.


I'm amazed at how students of all ages and backgrounds bond and grow in such a short period of time.


And yes, it's spectacularly gratifying to know that what they experience and learn will help others transform their own lives.

It gives me hope for the future of our world.


So now, here I am-

Doing the work that I believe is so important.

Teaching and sharing it with those who are ready.

Living my truth and enjoying my life.


I hope my story has inspired you in some way.

And, I hope that even if we never meet, you'll continue to search for your own truth and wisdom.


Because higher knowledge is a wonderful thing.

And, yes, miracles do happen.

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